SuperStructure Systems Inc. is a dynamic company providing creative structural and framing systems for indoor or outdoor applications.

SuperStructure provides unique solutions using patented structural systems made of aluminum and steel. Developed to meet the needs of new ideas in structural geometry, our systems have an efficient connector and a flexible manufacturing process. This construction permits the vast range of angles required to fabricate our remarkable structures.

Custom design capability is SuperStructure's greatest strength. We work with you to develop the design, while ensuring structural integrity with 3D engineering programs. Almost any shape is realizable, from Hyperbolic Parabolas to Pyramids, to Geodesic Domes.

SuperStructure will add atmosphere to your retail environment as an accent structure or an entire display. Our Modular Signage offers interchangeable graphics, product shelving, and permits easy reconfiguration. We also fabricate custom ceilings and incorporate a variety of lighting and fabric options.

Our Exhibit Systems are based on modular aluminum space frames and panel systems which form back walls, light boxes, towers, ceilings, kiosks and custom exhibits. Our load bearing design allows SuperStructure to accomodate lighting, product shelving, graphic panels, murals and fabric scrims. Knocked down lightweight shipping, no tool assembly, ease of installation and the flexibility to build other shapes - making this system ideal for both large and small exhibitors.

Our Architectural Products are repeatedly chosen by designers because we specialize in providing creative and economical solutions. SuperStructure's engineering and prefabrication off site are definite advantages which also keep costs down.